Brody’s Birth Story

Of all of my kids, Brody definitely has the longest and most eventful birth story. Life has been absolutely crazy the last few months, which is why it has taken me this long to write it all down. Having a baby during the global pandemic and all the restrictions that came with it made the birthing and hospital experience SO much harder and more isolating. The whole experience was very emotionally traumatic for me, so I’ve somewhat avoided reliving it as well. However, it’s important for me to know how far we’ve come, and to remember how blessed we are that it all turned out okay. Brace yourself, because this is a long story…

Since this was my third pregnancy, and since I went early with both of my other kids, I truly thought I would deliver this baby early as well, especially with how I was feeling physically. Between my pelvic and lower back pain, constant Braxton Hicks contractions, and carpal tunnel syndrome, I was SO ready to give birth. I was 3 centimeters dilated starting at 36 weeks, so I was almost certain he would come soon. When it didn’t happen in April, I just prayed that this baby wouldn’t share a birthday with Braxton. I really wanted my boys to have their own birthdays, and God answered that prayer as another day went by with no start of labor. After his birthday, I was ready anytime….but nothing changed.

Ryan worked a string of night shifts before he was officially on paternity leave, so I was somewhat grateful that we didn’t have to wake the kids in the middle of the night for my mom to drive me to the hospital to meet Ryan. On Mother’s Day evening, I was having contractions that actually seemed somewhat consistent. I tracked them for a few hours, and they were also getting more intense. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, and I definitely didn’t want to go to the hospital, just to be told it was false labor and be sent home. However, around 11pm, we were pretty convinced that this was the real deal. I remember labor pain, and this was it. So we drove to the hospital with our overnight bags and masks ready. Ryan wasn’t allowed to go to triage with me, he could only join me once I was admitted. He hung out in the emergency department with his colleagues until he heard from me. I was having very intense contractions while having to fill out all my paperwork by myself. It seemed like forever when I finally got to the triage room, only to find out that I was still at 3 centimeters. I had to sit in the triage room for an hour, and when they came back to check me, if I had made any progress, they would admit me, if not, they would send me home. An hour later of sitting and staring at my monitors alone (my phone was about to die so I couldn’t entertain myself on it), they came back to check me and I was still at 3 centimeters, so they sent me home. I was so surprised and disappointed that this was false labor. My contractions had felt so real and were perfectly 3-4 minutes apart, so I couldn’t believe it wasn’t real. I was so sad because I had convinced myself that I would get to meet my baby that night.

A few more days go by, and we got to the point where we had to set up an induction date…something I’d never had to do before. We set up an induction for midnight on my due date, May 17. The hospital required all women who would be admitted to L&D to be tested for COVID-19, so I had to go through the drive-through at the hospital to be tested. It was a very unpleasant experience, and luckily I was negative.

Sunday, May 17

Finally the night had come…induction night! I was so happy that I didn’t have to go through the triage system again, and it was such a relief that Ryan was able to come right up to the L&D floor with me. When we entered the hospital, the staff had to go through their COVID screening questions. The staff member asking Ryan the questions must have been tired because she forgot what to say, so Ryan said it for her! She looked surprised that he knew the speech and he just replied with, “I work here too!”

We got up to our room and got things started right away. I was still 3 centimeters dilated, so they said things should progress quickly. They gave me Pitocin, and I let that get going for a couple hours before I asked for my epidural. The epidural took longer than I remembered, and at one point I became very dizzy and thought I might pass out, but that feeling passed and the rest of the process went smoothly and kicked in pretty quickly. They left us alone for a few hours, and I tried to rest…but of course I was too anxious and uncomfortable to rest. I nodded off for 15 minutes at a time here and there, but really didn’t rest much. A few hours later, they came in to check me, and I had only progressed to 4 centimeters. They decided to go ahead and break my water to help speed things along. They broke my water, and left us alone again. About an hour later, I was feeling SO much pressure…like, ready-to-push pressure. I called the nurse back in to check me, and I was at 9.5 centimeters! So in just one hour, I progressed over 5 centimeters! The nurse said she would come back in about an hour and we should be ready. Well, 20 minutes later, I could tell it was time to start pushing, and I couldn’t wait any longer so I called the nurse in again. I was indeed at 10 centimeters and ready to push. My epidural was still working so I wasn’t in horrible pain, but I could still feel ALL the pressure. My OB came in, along with the baby nurses. The pushing process was as quick and easy as that process could be, with the exception of having to wear a mask while laboring, and my sweet baby boy was born within 10 minutes of when I started pushing. Brody Ryan Matthews was born at 10:24am weighing 7 pounds, 14 oz and 21 inches long. He was born face up, which often causes a lot of back pain during the end of pregnancy (makes sense). Right when he was born, he received an Apgar (appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration) score of 9, which is almost perfect. My baby boy was perfect. They placed him right on top of me, and Ryan and I just admired our new baby for the longest time. Since we weren’t able to have any visitors because of COVID-19, we knew my mom and the kids wouldn’t be able to come visit us in the hospital, so we called them through FaceTime right away so the kids could meet their new brother. They were in awe and fell in love with him instantly, even through FaceTime. Already, they couldn’t wait to get their hands on him, and we reassured them we would be home the next day or two as long as everything went well, which we fully expected it would.



I hadn’t eaten anything since before I was admitted and I was starving, so we ordered lunch and then were taken to our postpartum room. My epidural was almost worn off by then, except for in my right leg, which was still completely numb, so I still couldn’t stand up at all. Transport took me in a wheelchair, and then tried to awkwardly start helping me into the bed when Ryan just scooped me up effortlessly and placed me in the bed. We rested, took turns holding Brody and continued to FaceTime our family in Indiana and spent most of the evening in baby bliss. Brody had his first bath and passed his hearing screening with flying colors. Then the nurse gave us some news that we weren’t expecting. His blood results determined that he was Coombs positive. His blood type was B positive, and mine was O negative, and apparently these two blood types don’t get along. I thought that receiving the Rhogam shot during my pregnancy would prevent these types of issues, but apparently they don’t prevent all issues. First, the opposite Rh factor can cause problems, and there is also an ABO incompatibility that can occur, where my O blood made antibodies against my baby’s B blood. This caused his blood to hemolyze, or break down his red blood cells and release bilirubin, causing jaundice. High bilirubin levels in a newborn can be very dangerous if left untreated, possibly causing brain damage. I didn’t really understand the severity of it at the time, because I heard that newborns are jaundice quite often, and it usually just goes away on its own. The nurse said if his bilirubin level isn’t better by morning, we might not be able to go home yet. Again, I assumed it would all be fine, and I didn’t worry too much about it. In the mean time, Brody was nursing well, or so I thought. I knew that it takes a few days for a mother’s milk to come in, but in the mean time, they are getting colostrum. The nurse told us that it’s normal for newborns to lose some weight after birth, but we had to really watch Brody’s weight because it was getting a little too low for comfort. Again, I didn’t think much of it. I knew that this was the norm, and both of my other kids had to have multiple weight checks at their pediatrician after being discharged, so I assumed this would be the case for Brody as well.


Monday, May 18

The next day was supposed to be discharge day. Brody was scheduled for his circumcision that morning, then after being monitored for a few hours, we were supposed to be able to go home. Dr. Venable was the neonatologist who came in to exam Brody and do his circumcision. Right away, we loved this doctor, because she was very good at explaining things and very compassionate as well. His circumcision went great, and he was supposed to have one more blood draw and weight check to determine if we could go home. In the mean time, Brody was insanely sleepy from his circumcision, and he wouldn’t nurse well. The lactation specialist said this is normal after a procedure, and suggested hand expressing some colostrum to supplement until he woke up better to nurse on his own. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but hand-expressing a liquid the consistency of honey with carpal tunnel hands is not fun nor easy.  A couple hours later, Dr. Venable told us she was concerned not only about Brody’s bilirubin level, but also his weight loss. At this point, he had lost 10% of his birth weight, which is more than she felt comfortable with, so she suggested supplementing, either by pumping or with formula. We would supplement for 2 feedings and see where we were at with his weight. I really didn’t want to resort to formula yet, so I tried pumping first. My milk still wasn’t fully in yet, so he got a bit more colostrum. For the next feeding, Dr. Venable highly suggested trying formula, but she definitely did not push it. She told me that she has seen this situation many times and even if he had to take formula now doesn’t mean he always would, and if I keep pumping, he could eventually go back to exclusive breastfeeding once things were better. We took her advice to give him the best chance.

Shortly after, he had another bili and weight check, and Dr. Venable came back with some bad news. Brody’s bilirubin needed to be 9 or less, and it had increased to 11, AND his weight loss was now at 11%, so they couldn’t discharge him. I was so bummed, mainly because I knew how excited the kids were to meet their brother, and now they would have to wait even longer to meet him. The doctor hated having to give us this news, and she felt terrible, but she helped us come up with the next step for Brody to get him home soon. He would spend the rest of the day and night doing phototherapy, or bili lights. Normally, our bodies get rid of bilirubin by pooping. Phototherapy helps make bilirubin water soluable, so it can be released by peeing as well. We also had to make sure that Brody was eating enough to not only help his weight, but help him pee and poop more to get rid of the bilirubin.  So that night, Brody had to be under the bili lights until he needed to eat. After nursing, Ryan would feed him formula while I pumped so I wouldn’t lose any progress on my milk supply. He had a bili check that night and his level had gone down, so the phototherapy was working! They decided to stop phototherapy to see if his bilirubin level rebounded.


Tuesday, May 19

The next morning, we were hopeful for better news. Brody had been peeing a lot and pooping some, so I was hopeful that with supplementing, he was getting enough to eat now, which should help both his weight and his bilirubin level. At this point, I was still a patient as well, but I was supposed to be discharged on this day. If I was discharged, but Brody wasn’t, I would have to stay to be there with him, but Ryan would have to leave. Because of COVID-19, women who were admitted to L&D could have just one support person. Once I was discharged, that support person could no longer be there. Knowing this, I was SO anxious and praying so hard that Brody would be better and we could all go home. When Dr. Venable walked in our room, I could tell by the look in her eyes that she did not have good news. Brody and I had to stay, Ryan had to leave. I was an absolute emotional mess. I was only 2 days postpartum, and now my husband had to leave and I had to deal with the physical and emotional stress of caring for my newborn alone, without being allowed to leave the hospital room. The good news at least was that with supplementing, Brody’s weight was getting better. His bilirubin, however, was not. It continued to spike to scary levels for his little body to handle. We would have to continue formula supplementing simply to increase his output in hopes of his bilirubin dropping. Again, Dr. Venable felt terrible. She is a mom herself, so she understood how difficult this was for us. She even tried to think of ideas on how to keep me admitted to the hospital so that Ryan could stay, but we learned that regardless of being discharged or not, the current policy was that my 1 visitor could stay with me for up to 48 hours only. The nurse that was on staff that day said Ryan could stay with me until shift change at 7pm, so Ryan spent the time leading up to him having to leave trying to console me and convince me that I was strong enough to handle this, which I definitely did not feel that I was. This was a very emotionally low evening for me, and I couldn’t stop crying. However, I also knew that it was probably good for Ryan to get home to our other kids to be the extra help and calming support they needed.

That night was a rough one. Brody was under bili lights again, and every 2.5 hours I would have to nurse him, put him back under the lights to formula feed him, change his diaper, then pump to keep up my milk supply. By the time I completed all of this, I would have maybe 30-45 minutes to rest and then do it all over again. And whenever I did have a small stretch of potential sleep, the temperature censors on the phototherapy machine would act up and beep loudly, so the nurse had to continuously come back in and fix it. The nurses weren’t as helpful as I had hoped since Ryan wasn’t there, but to be honest, I didn’t want them in my room much since I had to wear a mask when someone else was in my room.


Wednesday, May 20

The next day, I was completely sleep deprived. I was surviving on about 2 hours of sleep from the last few days. This definitely didn’t help my emotions, which were a complete roller coaster. I cried all. the. time. Especially when I would talk to, or even think about Kinsie and Brax. I missed them so much, and I was so sad that they hadn’t gotten to meet Brody yet. I was also freaking out because at this point, we were moving out of the state in 10 days, and here I was stuck in a hospital room for who knows how long. I was also worried about my little Brody. During my days at the hospital, I learned more about bilirubin levels than I ever cared to know. Dr. Venable continued to be extremely kind and supportive, while teaching me about bilirubin and the treatment threshold in a way that I could understand. I knew that Brody would eventually get better. Eventually, his body would figure this all out and his red blood cells would stop breaking down…we just didn’t know when that would happen. Not much changed with his progress. He continued to be under the bili lights, his levels would slightly drop, they would take him off the lights, and his level would spike again. Each day drug on so slowly. I felt like a caged animal because I literally couldn’t go anywhere, and I had lived on terrible hospital food for several days now. I was up at all hours of the night and would be starving at 3am and was out of the snacks I packed in my hospital bag. Ryan called me on this day to see how I was doing, and then he told me to look out the window. Ryan, my mom, and the kids were outside my window with signs waving at us. I was bawling! I was so happy to see them, and it made me and Brody feel so loved. They couldn’t stay long because Brax had his school’s drive-through parade soon, which I was sad that I was missing. My mom recorded the entire thing for me so I could at least watch Brax see his teachers again.



Again, the rest of that day was a blur. I remember more bili lights and more bili checks. I remember Ryan talking on speaker phone to Dr. Venable asking her to make sure the nurses helped me more since I was sleep deprived. I remember my milk coming in…intensely. I was grateful for this, but also in a lot of pain from engorgement. Luckily now I didn’t have to supplement with formula anymore, but now I was supplementing with breast milk. Dr. Venable came into my room that evening before she left and gave me some encouragement. She wasn’t going to be working the next day, so she wanted to let me know which doctor would be on shift, and that she had informed this doctor how important it was to try to get us home. Before she left my room, she saw my tattoo that says “It is well.” She saw her opportunity and told me that my tattoo is very timely for our current circumstances. She reminded me that God is with me, He will never leave me, and it will all be well in the end. I was so grateful for Dr. Venable, and I later looked her up on Facebook and found out she’s a pastor’s wife! I contacted her a few days later and let her know how grateful I was for her medical and spiritual guidance throughout this difficult process.

Thursday, May 21

The previous night was more of the same. Bili lights, nursing, pumping, supplementing, no sleep, bili checks, repeat. This was the day that I was really aiming to be home, because Kinsie had her drive-through Kindergarten graduation at noon and I REALLY wanted to be there with her, but sadly I was not hopeful that it would happen. Brody’s most recent bili check was at 4am that morning, and it was 12.4, which wasn’t as low as they were hoping, so that pretty much meant we were there to stay a while longer. I knew the drill. I was used to it at this point. I was emotionally numb to it. Once I knew for sure that we were staying, I asked Ryan to bring me more clothes and some snacks. He also snuck me in a breakfast chicken burrito from Chick-fil-A to give me a break from the hospital food. He wasn’t allowed to come up to the room, but he dressed somewhat nicely so he looked “official” to see just how far he could get into the hospital before someone stopped him. I think he got as far as the elevator on the postpartum floor, and then a nurse took over and brought the stuff to my room. When I opened the bag, I also found a sweet, encouraging note signed by him, the kids, and my mom.


There was a new doctor that day, Dr. Andrews, who was also very kind and empathetic, and clearly had a thorough explanation of our experience so far from Dr. Venable. At this point, Brody’s levels were only maintaining from phototherapy, they weren’t even dropping much anymore. She gave me a few options for that day… Option #1 increase the amount of lights on him and check his level again around 2pm…if his level decreases enough, we could take him off and check for his rebound level. If his rate of rise was low enough, we could potentially be discharged that night. Option #2 Increase the lights and keep him under for another 24 hours to drive his level down as much as possible. After discussing it with Ryan, we decided to go with option #1. In the mean time, Kinsie had her drive-through graduation. Ryan attached his Go-Pro camera to Kinsie’s side of the car so he could record the whole thing. Of course, as I watched, I bawled like a baby. It was so precious, and I was so sad that I couldn’t be there, but I loved seeing her sweet smile as she saw her Kindergarten teacher cheering for her and saying the sweetest goodbye.


After his next check, his levels finally dropped some (12.4 to 11.2), so they decided to take him off the lights and see what happens. The plan was to check his level again around 7pm, and if his level went up less than 1 point, we could go home. This was such a long few hours, but I spent the entire time holding my sweet boy. Since he spent most of his time under the lights, I took any opportunity I could to hold him. I could barely eat dinner, and I could barely even pay attention to an episode of Parks and Recreation. To be honest, I wasn’t very hopeful. Every time I had been hopeful before, I was let down. I was fully expecting bad news, but the idea of possibly getting out of that hospital that night was so nice to think about.


I knew that shift change was also at 7pm, so I waited a good 15 minutes  after 7pm before calling for the nurse to see if they would take him for his check soon. Of course I ended up with a nurse who had taken 3 months off to do research and this was her first shift back so her login for the computer system wasn’t working. She finally came in about 30 minutes later to take him for his check, and then again, we waited for what seemed like forever, but was probably more like 45 minutes. I don’t think the nurse understood just how important this check was to us and how much we’d been through at this point, because she finally walked in nonchalantly saying, “Ok I’ve got your discharge paperwork!” I didn’t understand at first, then I finally said, “We’re going home!?!?” And again, as if it were no big deal, she responded with, “Yep, his level was 11.9.” And cue the happy tears! We were finally coming home! I called Ryan right away and he was out the door immediately to come pick us up. It was around 9:30pm at this point, so I knew the kids would be in bed, but I could surprise them in the morning. I can’t even explain the feeling I had as I had FINALLY been let out of that hospital room. I felt like I could breathe for the first time in days. I was so happy to see Ryan, and he had made a “Coming Home” playlist for me on Spotify while he was waiting. I couldn’t wait to be in my own house (even though it was a disaster from moving prep), sleep in my own bed and see my other two kids in the morning.


Friday, May 22

We didn’t sleep much that night, but that was ok. I was still so happy to be home and couldn’t wait to hug my other babies. When the kids started to wake up, Ryan went to go get them from their rooms and told them he had a surprise. He brought them out to the living room, and then I walked in from the kitchen with Brody! They were SO excited. We hugged for a long time, and I didn’t want to let them go. They took turns holding and admiring Brody. Unfortunately it couldn’t last too long because I had to take Brody back to the hospital for another bili check that morning.


We went in that morning for his bili check, and it was at 13.8. We knew it was likely to rise, but it was still rising at a rate that we really had to watch closely. They sent us home and asked us to come back again the next day. When we got home, we didn’t get much done. We all sat around and loved and admired our sweet Brody boy.


Saturday, May 23

Again, we had to go back in to the hospital for yet another bili check. Each time we went in, I was super nervous. We knew at some point, his level should start dropping, we just didn’t know when. I basically had the newborn bilirubin treatment level chart memorized, so each time we went in, we had an idea of what level we needed to stay under to avoid readmission and more treatment. During this check, his level went up to 17. This definitely wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Even though his level was continuing to rise and somewhat quickly, the doctor told me she wasn’t going to admit us just yet, but asked that I start supplementing with formula again. We knew he was getting enough of my milk since his weight was good and he had plenty of wet and dirty diapers, but she simply wanted to maximize his output to flush out the bilirubin. We bought some formula on the way home, and I was super bummed and anxious that this still wasn’t over.

As the day went on, we tried to balance our time packing and spending time with Brody. Later in the afternoon, I noticed he seemed really sleepy…more than usual. When it was time to feed him, he wouldn’t wake up enough to eat. We tried undressing him, jostling him, changing his diaper…nothing woke him enough to nurse. Right away I was worried, especially because his skin tone seemed even more yellow than it had previously. Ryan prepared a bottle of formula to see if he would take that just to give him something, and he took it, but never really woke up. Afterwards, he called the hospital and told them what was going on, and they suggested going to the NICU at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Again, I was very worried, but I knew he would get the best care at this hospital. Ryan knew how scary this all was for me, and he had worked many shifts at the children’s hospital emergency department, so he calmly explained to me what they were going to do with Brody when we got there. He said when babies come in with a fever or are lethargic, the doctors have to be extra cautious and prepare for a possible infection. They receive a whole work up, usually including labs, a possible lumbar puncture, antibiotics, etc. He wanted to prepare me ahead of time so I would know what to expect. We knew that Ryan wouldn’t be able to come in with us because of the COVID-19 guidelines. We also knew that we would more than likely be admitted and be staying overnight. I packed a bag and Ryan drove us to the hospital. We had to check in through the emergency department, but since Ryan had called ahead, they let us skip the ED and took us straight to the NICU, which was good so we could avoid sick kids.

When we got up to the NICU, I was so overwhelmed. There were about 10 nurses and/or doctors in our room doing different things to Brody. All of this craziness finally woke him up, and he was screaming like I had never heard him scream before. This was so hard to hear, but also somewhat reassuring since he had been so lethargic earlier. With how Brody was responding, the doctor felt better about things and came to the conclusion that it wasn’t an infection, and he definitely wasn’t septic. They still did lots of labs, but were luckily able to skip the lumbar puncture and antibiotics. Since he was wide awake now and very hungry, they let me nurse him, and he did so much better than earlier. This was also very reassuring. They did a bili check, and also had to test him for COVID-19. This was standard for NICU patients, but I knew how unpleasant the testing experience was, and it killed me to watch my week-old baby have to go through it as well. His bili level came back at 19…scary high. This explains why he was acting the way he was earlier at home. The plan was the same as it was before we left the hospital at UAMS…more phototherapy. Ryan had created a group text called “Prayers for Brody” with both of our families, but left me out of it since I already had enough to deal with. That way, I could just update him, and then he would update our families. Our night in the NICU was long, but I was in a better head space here. Brody was almost a week old, so I knew that his little body should be figuring this thing out soon, and I also knew we did the right thing by bringing him in. Luckily, the NICU didn’t have quite as strict of rules as they did at UAMS. I didn’t have to wear a mask in my own room, and I was allowed to leave the room to go get food or coffee. This was HUGE for my mental health. Ryan was even able to bring me dinner once, and I went out to the car to eat it with him. It also helped that the NICU staff was so compassionate and kind and really loved on Brody and me during our stay, which is what we both needed. That night, I slept on the very uncomfortable cot next to Brody’s little bed, and I slept like a rock. I’d wake up when it was time to feed him, but then I slept so hard in between feedings. I was so unbelievably exhausted and my body needed sleep so badly.



They checked his level around 10pm, and it had dropped to 17.5. Another bili check at 5am was at 15.5, so it was definitely dropping. They continued him on the lights and we decided to check him again about 7 hours later and see if we could take him off the lights and check for his rebound. In the meantime, I was able to give Ryan a code to watch Brody on the baby cam they had set up in his room. He set it up on the big screen in our house so they could all watch him at home!


The next bili check was around noon and this one would determine if we would turn the lights off. The results came back at 14, which was a good drop! He got to come out from under the lights and get retested around 7pm. The doctor said if he stays under 16, we could go home. Again, I spent most of that afternoon snuggling with Brody. At one point, the nurse even came in and said she knows I must be exhausted and I could take a nap if I wanted, but I didn’t want to put him down.


During the last hour or so, I started to get really anxious and pessimistic. I didn’t think the results would be good, and I really really didn’t want to spend another night in the hospital. I talked to Ryan for a while so he could try to talk me down and help me find some hope in the current situation. Again, Brody’s bili check was scheduled right at shift change, which is always a chaotic time. The nurse that took over was very nice, but she was older and slower. She came in and talked to me about random things like my hometown and how she had a friend from there and they would always go out to eat at O’Charley’s when she would visit. Again, she was super nice…but I really didn’t have the mental capacity for small talk at that moment. After a while, she came in with GOOD NEWS!! Brody’s level was at 15.1! I was so happy and relieved, but also still a little worried since we had to be rechecked in the morning, and there was a chance his level could continue to rise like it did before. However, I relished in the moment and was so happy to see Ryan again, and to see the kids in the morning.


The next morning, we went in for yet another bili check. I was super nervous, and fully expected another rise. Every time I brought him in for another check and was waiting for lab results, I researched everything I possibly could about bilirubin levels, ABO incompatibility, hematocrit levels, you name it. Not that it actually helped, but I needed something to keep my mind busy. A doctor came out to inform me of the results, which made me nervous, because usually when it was good news, a nurse told me, and when it was bad news, a doctor told me. HOWEVER, this doctor had the best news I had heard in over a week in store for me. Brody’s bilirubin level DROPPED to 13.3! This was the first time that his level ever dropped without treatment! This was HUGE because now this meant that his blood was most likely done breaking down those red blood cells and his bilirubin level should continue to drop…making it no longer be an issue! HALLELUJAH!

The next day we had Brody’s newborn checkup at the pediatrician’s office. Side note: we scheduled this appointment about 6 times, and continued to have to cancel because we hadn’t been discharged from the hospital yet. We couldn’t get in with our normal pediatrician, so we saw another doctor, and he was wonderful. We had to give him all the hospital paperwork and give him the rundown on everything that Brody had gone through so far, and he was supposed to get one more bili check to make sure that his level continued to drop. They did the lab, but wouldn’t have the results right away. Brody did great at his appointment, and even gained weight since birth! The doctor personally called me later in the afternoon with more wonderful news…Brody’s bilirubin level was 11.7. We were FINALLY out of the woods! For the first time since Brody was born, I could finally take a deep, full breath and get a good night’s rest (as good as you can with a newborn anyway!)

So now, we could finally fully enjoy being a family of five. The kids loved on Brody more than ever and were so grateful that all of this was now behind us. Now, we could move on to the next major life event…moving across the country in 5 days! The kids and I would be moving to Indiana while Ryan stayed in Arkansas to finish his last month of residency.



The last few months have just been a series of challenging events. Between the pandemic, losing both my grandma and my dog, having a baby with hyperbiliunemia, and then moving…there is only one explanation on how I made it through all of it…GOD. There is no way I could have gotten through all of these major life changes and stressors without God carrying me through it. I also have to give a lot of credit to my mom…she went through the fire with us. She was the one packing up the majority of the house while I was in the hospital, while taking care of my kids and having to explain to them why their mommy and brother couldn’t come home yet. We literally couldn’t have gotten through all of this without her love, help and support. I also have to give a major shout out to my amazing husband. Just thinking about how amazing Ryan was through all of this makes me cry. He was my rock, and always knew how to calm me down and help me mentally push through. He was also there for the kids when they needed him, as well as being a wonderful doctor, always trying to learn and understand more so he could help make the best decisions for Brody. God knew exactly what kind of man I needed in my life, and he blessed me beyond what I deserve with him. Finally, I need to give some credit to my sweet little Brody. He was an absolute champ throughout all of this. He spent the majority of his first week of life almost naked under bright lights with a mask on, and was basically a pin cushion from all the blood they drew from his tiny little body. Even though I hated watching him being poked and prodded all week, he handled it better than most adults ever could, and I know he is already stronger from this experience.


I’m still somewhat experiencing a level of PTSD from everything that happened. Reliving it all through this post was tough, and took me several days, not only because I don’t have much free time, but also because it was too much on me emotionally to go through it all again in one sitting. However, I also look back and realize just how much we’ve been through in a few short weeks, and how much stronger we all became as individuals, as well as a family. I am now much more aware that all of this was in God’s hands the whole time, not my own. He knew that I needed this reminder, as well as this weight lifted off of me, and I am so grateful for that.


Even though having a baby and being in the hospital for a week in the middle of a global pandemic was one of the hardest experiences of my life, I wouldn’t trade my Brody Ryan for anything in the world. This is part of his story now, and we will never forget it.


April Quarantine Adventures

Time is so weird. It seems like time is standing still right now, and that we are repeating the same day over and over again like the movie Groundhogs Day. However, here we are…already in May. It is officially baby month AND moving month! Never in a million years did I think we would be quarantined at home during a global pandemic homeschooling our kids, all while preparing for a baby and a move to another state. Life is crazy. And just when I think things will calm down, it often gets crazier and harder. We are so grateful for our family, and most importantly, our faith to get us through day by day.

Here is a recap of our month…

Quarantine Life

Overall, our every day has consisted of pretty much the same stuff. Wake up, have breakfast, let the kids play or watch a show, do schoolwork, find something to keep them busy and happy for the afternoon, have dinner, go to bed, repeat. I am on complete survival mode with being 9 months pregnant, so I’ve tried to give myself grace about not doing all the exciting Pinterest-worthy projects and activities that I see other moms doing right now. When it’s nice outside, we go outside. When it’s not, we stay busy inside with modeling clay, FaceTime with family, coloring, and building box houses. Overall, the kids have been fantastic throughout all of this. Yes they fight more, and yes they get extra emotional about things because they don’t know how else to let out their frustration with this crazy life we are currently living. But overall, I have been so impressed with how they’ve handled everything.

We try to go on small, random adventures when we can. Every once in a while, the director of Brax’s school will put out the treasure box in front of the school so the kids can come by and pick a treasure. Sometimes we go get slushies during Sonic Happy Hour. Any small errand to give us a change of scenery is good for our souls!


We’ve had lots of nice days, but every so often we get a small dose of summer weather. We’ve had a few swim suit, sprinkler and water table days. The kids love it, their large pregnant mama struggles with the heat. It makes the kids happy though, so I manage with lots of water, shade, and the large fan in the garage.


On other nice days, the kids find all kinds of random games and activities outside. Cornhole, nature scavenger hunts, climbing trees, you name it. They have great imaginations so they can pretty much stay busy in any environment.


Grateful for Easter

Ryan’s sister’s family was originally going to visit for Easter, but obviously everyone’s travel plans changed. Luckily, Ryan still scheduled Easter weekend off so he could spend that time with us.

Easter Cookies

Usually this is an activity I do with the kids when Ryan is working…just for something to do. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do this tradition this year since my carpal tunnel syndrome is so bad. Instead, we just made the cookies with Ryan so he could help!


Another one of our favorite Easter traditions is to dye eggs. The kids got extra fancy this year and even added some extra sparkly paint!


We knew Easter day was supposed to include lots of rain, so we planned our big Easter egg hunt the day before. We stuffed them with treats and hid them around the yard and the kids loved hopping around like bunnies finding the eggs.


The kids loved seeing their surprises from the Easter bunny on Easter morning!


Even though we didn’t go anywhere, the kids (mainly Kinsie) wanted to wear their Easter clothes that I originally bought them. We took the opportunity to still take a few Easter pics! It definitely wasn’t the Easter we were used to or planned on, but we still got to spend time together as a family, watch a wonderful and much-needed Easter church service, and be reminded of the good news of Easter. To be honest, it couldn’t have been more perfect timing for that good news!




Other Big Events

Kinsie had been working hard on her second wiggly tooth for a couple weeks. The day before Easter, she decided she wanted to lose that tooth that day so that the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny could both come to our house that night (she got this idea from her cousin Briggs, who did the same thing on Christmas Eve) That tooth was quite stubborn and took us a while, but Kinsie was determined. She finally got it out and was so excited to see her money and a note from the tooth fairy the next morning!


We officially closed on our home! We move out at the end of May and will be headed back to our home state! We will live with my parents for the summer, then live in a rental while we build our dream home. It’s a lot of planning and extra chaos, but we could not be more excited!


Pregnancy Updates

We are coming down the home stretch! For a little while, I honestly thought this might be an April baby. He’s still cooking though, and I’m hoping he stays put a few more days so that Brax still has his own birthday! Overall, this pregnancy has flown by…until the last few weeks. I am currently 37 (almost 38) weeks, and I am READY. My sister always told me that her third pregnancy was the hardest on her body, and I can definitely relate to that!


  • I am very physically uncomfortable. Like…all the time. This includes heavy pelvic pressure and severe ligament pain.
  • I’ve had pretty consistent Braxton Hicks contractions the last week.
  • I’m guessing baby is putting more pressure on my bladder…because I need to use the restroom about every half hour.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is still a problem, getting worse. Hoping I can get a cortisone injection soon to help this problem because it is hard to function.
  • Lots of hot flashes, especially at night.
  • I am very emotional – hello hormones!

In this photo, I was 36 weeks – baby is about the size of a small watermelon.

Pregnancy-36 weeks-1

I’m not usually much of a mirror selfie person, but this could be my last pregnancy (we haven’t made any decisions about this yet), so I figured I’d try to document as much of this bump as I could.

34 weeks


Easter Day – 35 weeks


My mom has been planning for a while now to come help us when the baby comes…mainly to watch the big kids while Ryan and I are in the hospital. With my level of physical discomfort and the fact that I haven’t been able to use my hands much without hurting, she decided to come early and we were SO grateful. The kids have been loving their Yaya time, and she has been helping me so much, especially when Ryan is at work. Here is a sweet video of the kids’ reactions when she arrived.

Most of the time, I’ve been trying to just take it easy and relax as much as possible. However, I’ve also been trying to “loosen things up” and help the process along, and enjoy the lovely Arkansas spring weather one last time, so we’ve been going on short walks when I’m up for it. The kids love walking with me, and they often use it as an opportunity to have nature scavenger hunts and watch the ducks and turtles.


It’s only a matter of time that this little boy will be making his grand entrance into this world and into our hearts. Stay tuned!

A Month of Loss

March was hard. Then April came along and said, “Hold my beer.” I genuinely did not expect April to bring about even harder and darker days than what we were already experiencing.


The day after Easter, my sweet and beautiful Abuelita went to heaven. Her mind had been trapped by dementia for the last decade, so even though it was hard to lose her physically, it’s at least refreshing to know that both her body and mind are free now. She was the absolute epitome of love. Whether she knew you or not, if you were in her immediate presence, you could feel her love. We always said she “threw love at strangers,” so I’m sure you could imagine the love she poured on her family. Some of my favorite memories of her included her many lipstick-marked kisses, her homemade authentic Mexican meals she often cooked for us, her serenading us in Spanish, or giving us the earrings that she was wearing because we told her we liked them. We were also lucky enough to go on many vacations with her and my Grandpa Beto, and the memories made on those trips will be cherished forever. It’s hard knowing I’ll never see her again here in this life, but I rejoice for her that she is free in Heaven with the love of her life, Beto, and her Heavenly Father.



Two days after my grandma passed, our sweet family dog Addie passed away as well. This one really blindsided us because her sickness came so quickly, we really did not have time to process or prepare for what was about to happen. She was throwing up for just one day, and we even took her to the vet and they assumed it was just a stomach bug. The next day, she passed away. We were all devastated and really struggled to understand what happened to her. She was not even 10 years old, and she recently struggled with arthritis, but we think something in her stomach or bowels developed, and there really would have been no time to do anything about it even if we would have had labs and blood work done.



We had Addie since before we were married, so we have many happy memories with her. She was the sweetest, most loving pup, and she had SO much patience for our crazy kids. With the quarantine in place, we spent all of our time with her during the last month of her life, which is exactly what she would have wanted. Her favorite place in the world was wherever we were!


Addie was the best snuggling buddy!


Here is a picture that Kinsie drew at the end of our rough week. From left to right it includes her fish Hedwig (who died last August), Jesus, Grandma Graves (Ryan’s grandma who passed away in December 2017), Addie, and my Grandma Vargas. Of course when she showed me, I immediately started crying!


It was important to all of us that we bring Addie with us when we move, so we found a pet cremation company. We got back a beautiful box with her name engraved on the top, and my personal favorite, a heart with her paw print imprinted into it. You can tell its definitely her paw print, because it includes her long fingernails that she would hardly ever let us cut!


Like I said, it was a harder month than we expected, but we are sticking together as a family to help each other grieve. We still miss our Addie every day, and it has been tough finding our new normal without her companionship. We have so many wonderful memories with her so we try to focus on those to help get us through.

We are hopeful that May will be a month filled with joy and good news…we definitely need it!

Here is our April 1 Second Everyday video. Still lots of love and laughter to fill even our difficult days.

August Adventures

We are continuing to make strides in the process of getting settled in our new home in Little Rock. Some days are easier than others for sure, but we are making the best of it. This month, Ryan worked mostly evening or night shifts…so he would either work from 3pm-1am or 9pm-7am. This was harder on me than I expected. We were on complete opposite schedules. We would see him for about 30 minutes in the morning before he went to sleep, and for maybe 2 hours in the evening between him waking up and going back to work. We are always grateful for the time we have with him, but its hard putting the kids to bed by myself on evening shift nights, and going to bed alone every night. Once the kids went to bed was usually the time that we finally got to relax and enjoy each other’s company without children climbing all over us and demanding our attention. Even though we barely spent any time together this month, we found creative ways of showing each other love!


I went through a funk this month because of all the time I spent alone, but I also was reminded to rely on my faith to get through difficult times. Throughout the last couple of weeks, I can feel Jesus working on my heart and helping me become more content in my circumstances.

It is still pretty darn humid here in Arkansas, so we’ve continued to try to stay busy and cool this month! Ryan had about one day a week off, so we would always try to do something fun as a family on those days. Here are some of the things we did this past month!

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Library system in Central Arkansas has a program called “1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.” I entered Kinsie into this program since she loves reading and I’m trying to teach her about setting goals. We started the program at the end of July, and she has already hit the 200 mark! Every time she fills a sheet, she gets so excited to turn it in and get her next sticker!


Staying Home

Let’s face it…sometimes it’s just easier to stay home. We still try to get out of the house at least once a day for all of our sanity, but honestly, the kids are usually pretty content to stay home and play!


Play dough fun…Brax was upset that he couldn’t eat it at first, but he got over it!


Playing in the fort that Daddy helped them build


Chocolate pudding night!

Play Dates and Outings

About once a week, we’ve been getting together with some of the other residents’ wives and kids for a play date. I have gotten pretty close with a few of them, and I am so grateful that they include me every time they go out. This has helped my sanity being with other adults throughout the day, and the kids love having other kids to play with. This has also helped us get out and about more and find new places to explore.


Play places and crafts


“Baking” at the Children’s Library


Donut date with mom!

Outside Play

We haven’t gotten out as much as we all would have liked because of the heat, but it’s slowly getting better. Whenever we find a day that we can actually breathe outside, we take advantage! We found the cutest little play house for a bargain at Walmart, so the kids have been all about that lately. We also love making our way to the park by our house whenever we can.


Pinnacle Mountain State Park Nature Center

Pinnacle Mountain was one of our favorite things about Little Rock when Ryan and I first visited. We haven’t taken the kids up the mountain yet since its been too hot, but someday we definitely want to. Every time we drive and see the mountain, Kinsie tells us she wants to hike up the mountain! In the mean time, we just visit the Nature Center there. On one of Ryan’s days off, they were having special presentations and activities dealing with amphibians and reptiles, some of Kinsie’s faves. The kids loved the view and learning about animals.


Having S’more Fun!

Kinsie has been asking to do s’mores for MONTHS now. We had a small fire pit at the old house but didn’t bring it with us, so we had to find a new one for a good deal first. Once we found one, and bought some firewood, we had to wait for an evening that Ryan was off. For the longest time, every time he had an evening off, it was pouring down rain. We FINALLY got the opportunity and the kids were pumped! Kinsie bought a new shirt at Bass Pro Shops that says “Have S’more Fun,” so she couldn’t wait to make s’mores with her new shirt. The kids “helped” make the fire, and then got busy roasting marshmallows. Brax was OBSESSED with the fire…so much so that one of us had to hold him to keep him away from the fire THE WHOLE TIME. Once he shared a s’more with dad though, he was good!


Solar Eclipse Day

Ryan has been excited about this day for far too long! My science nerd husband bought the glasses and special solar binoculars months ago. He was THRILLED to learn that he had that day off…the odds were definitely in his favor! We went to the Big Dam Bridge for the event. Brax obviously didn’t know what was going on, but he had fun running around the bridge. Kinsie thought it was pretty cool and loved looking at the eclipse with her glasses. I brought toys and books for the kids to keep them entertained while we were there and even though it cut into Brax’s nap time, it was well worth it and the kids did great! It was such a neat experience for all of us!


Little Rock Zoo

Ryan had a couple days off last week before starting his next rotation, so we spent a day at the zoo. The weather was surprisingly perfect. The kids especially loved the gorillas, the elephants, the train ride, the petting zoo and the penguins. We had a great family day!


First Soccer Practice

Kinsie had her first soccer practice this week, and it was….interesting I guess? Kinsie said she had fun, but practice was run very differently than what we are used to. They had ALL the kids in her age level in the same practice with only 2 coaches. Eventually they split the kids up and did a few drills and a scrimmage and once they did that, Kinsie was in her element. Ryan just started his very busy rotation and is working 12-14 hour shifts, so I had both kids at practice and was trying to help Kinsie know what to do amidst the chaos, and chase after Brax at the same time! It was chaotic, and a bit stressful, and I am hoping the organization of practices improves. Kinsie still had fun and played well, so I guess that’s all that matters. I am hopeful that she’ll meet some friends and enjoy her soccer season like she has in the past!


That was our month in a nut shell. Kinsie starts preschool after Labor Day, so that will be exciting and should keep us busy. She’s super excited to start school, and I am very hopeful that we will love the preschool we picked out. Ryan just started a tough rotation, so we won’t be seeing much of him again. The last two weeks of September, the kids and I will fly to Indiana for a couple of weeks and spend Kinsie’s birthday with our families. I am aching to see our families again…that is by far the hardest part about being here. From seeing them several times a week to every other month or less has been very difficult. This two weeks at home will be good for all of us and we are all looking forward to it. Like I said before, we are slowly making progress with this adjustment. God is helping me through my own personal challenges with this big change, and I can feel him working on my heart every day. I am hopeful that time will help us continue to adjust.

Puppies and Pumpkins

Ever since I stopped dressing up and trick-or-treating, I have never been that super crazy about Halloween….until I had a child. Now I think that Halloween is even more fun with a child than when I was a child! Kinsie got really into Halloween this year, as soon as costumes and decorations started being sold in stores. I wanted her to pick what she would be for Halloween, so we thought about the things that she was into at the time and gave her a choice. She chose a dalmatian puppy. We found lots of opportunities throughout the month for her to wear her costume. We went to Zoo Boo, then we went to a kids Halloween party at Heritage Lake, we went trick-or-treating on Halloween night, and then finally went to a costume cookout at my sister’s. Kinsie was always such a happy puppy. I may have to take her puppy costume with us everywhere we go just in case she is in a bad mood…it would perk her right up!

Like I mentioned in my last post, Kinsie was quite the little pumpkin picker. We let her decide what she wanted on her pumpkin, and, to no surprise at all, she wanted Olaf. We also let her help us pick out what we would put on our pumpkins, so we went with Shrek and a dinosaur. We let her help clean out her pumpkin and collect the seeds so I could bake them. We weren’t sure what she would think of the slimy pumpkin guts, but she didn’t mind at all! She was really excited about her Olaf pumpkin when we finished carving it. Then later that night after she went to bed, we carved Shrek and the dinosaur (while watching Hocus Pocus of course). When Kinsie woke up the next morning, she was super excited about all three of her pumpkins!



The week before Halloween, Heritage Lake was hosting a kids Halloween party. We got Kinsie suited up and took her, and it was a lot of fun and perfect for her age. They had crafts, snacks, carnival games, a cake walk, and dinner. She did that cake walk for a good 30 minutes and every other kid around her would win, but not her. She was determined to stay until she won. Finally, with us and the people in charge of the walk rooting for her, she won! She was pumped about her cupcake prize! Another one of the highlights of the night was the tattoo station. Kinsie got to pick out which tattoo she wanted, and of course she picked the dinosaur. She was so proud of her tattoo, she would show everyone and even talk about it in her sleep!



Halloween fell on a Saturday, so Kinsie had soccer that morning. The kids were encouraged to wear their costumes, so of course Kinsie was down for that. She has soccer class with her cousin Kerigan, and her third cousin, Emery…so the girls (and Briggs) had fun running around playing soccer in their costumes. Kinsie loves playing soccer, but she is often anti-following directions in class. Not this week…I swear, that puppy costume works wonders!



For Halloween night, we went to my parents’ neighborhood, and Ryan’s parents and brother joined us. We just trick-or-treated around their cul-de-sac, and as soon as we got back around to my parents, it started raining…but by that time, Kinsie’s little puppy legs were getting tired anyway. She was so cute trick-or-treating, and she thought it was so much fun! She has never really had much candy in her life, but she was excited about all the candy she was getting. When we got back to my parents, she enjoyed helping pass out candy to other trick-or-treaters. I let her have a couple pieces of candy, which kept her occupied most of the evening while we watched Hocus Pocus (yes, again…there is no limit as to how many times I can watch it during the Halloween season). Kinsie had such a fun night, and, a week later, she is still carrying around her pumpkin full of candy everywhere she goes!




The next evening, my sister had a little costume cookout for our family and some close friends. The kids had one more opportunity to wear their costumes, so they were ready to party. We had food, sat around the fire, and let the kids run around and make forts in their costumes. It was a lot of fun!


Once Halloween was officially over, Kinsie got pretty upset, especially when our neighbor put away his big inflatable black cat and gargoyle (she loved looking at them through the window every night). But we had to remind her, that now Christmas will be coming soon, and we can celebrate that. She is already talking about Santa Claus and Christmas trees! Like I said before, holidays are so much more fun with a child!

Spring has sprung!

I am so excited that it is finally SPRING!!! While this past winter wasn’t near as bad as last year, it is always so refreshing to be done with the cold, dreary winter in Indiana…especially when you have a crazy toddler and a very small house! We took her out to play in the snow one day, and she was less than thrilled. She didn’t mind sitting in her little car, or when we held her, but she wasn’t crazy about playing or even standing in the snow. She’s definitely my child!


Kinsie has been pumped about the fact that we can go outside and play now. She makes sure I take her out every possible chance we get. I had a 2-week spring break, which is always much needed. The first week was cold and rainy, so Kinsie and I had to get creative on how to spend our days. We spent a few days in Muncie with Ryan, went shopping, and watched “Pups” (101 Dalmatians) a few more hundred times. Even when it was raining, she was always looking out the window telling me she wanted to go “outhide,” or go “wee” (swing). So of course as soon as the rain stopped and the temperatures broke 50 degrees, we were outside and she was in heaven. We have a great fenced-in backyard with lots of stuff to entertain her. She loves sidewalk chalk, bubbles, her water table, and finding leaves, rocks, sticks, and worms! Yes, this girl likes to make friends with worms.


outside_collage-3 Kinsie_18_month_44



Kinsie is obsessed with going to the playground. She loves to swing and go down the slide. Her newest thing is going down the slide head first. Of course we are always waiting at the bottom to catch her though! Spring break_117


We also had a very busy and beautiful Easter weekend. Kinsie is getting to the age where she understands so much more and is so much fun during holidays. She was really into all the eggs and bunnies (she calls them “hop hops”). While we were in Muncie, we went to the mall and I’ve always thought the Easter bunny was kinda creepy, but she saw it and loved it! She kept yelling “hop hop!” and laughed when it waved to her. On Easter Sunday, we went to church and heard another amazing service with 138 baptisms over the entire weekend! After church we had brunch and an Easter egg hunt at my sister’s house. The kids LOVED their Easter egg hunt! Kinsie literally could have done this all day.

After Kinsie’s nap, we went to Ryan’s aunt’s house where she got to do another Easter egg hunt and play with some of her cousins. Finally, we went to my parents house for dinner. Since the kids had so much fun with their egg hunt earlier, we had another one for them so they were pretty excited! Easter is such a special day to me because it is a reminder of the amazing grace that Jesus has for us. It is really important to me that Kinsie, and my future children understand why we celebrate Easter and what the Easter bunny and Easter eggs represent. As young as she is, I made a point to read books about the story of Easter and tell her all about Jesus. Hopefully as the years go on she will learn what it means to accept Jesus into her heart too. It was a busy Easter, but I was so grateful that we got to spend it with the people that we love most!


Spring break_130 april_4



Happy spring everyone!!

A Tribute to Cecilia, Carson and Scotty

Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will give us later. Romans 8:18

Within the past few weeks, there have been several tragedies in the lives of people that I know. Each of these tragedies have struck me to my core not only because people that I know are suffering tremendously, but also because all 3 tragedies somehow involve a baby. Having a 7 month old daughter myself, I have had extra empathy. I haven’t quite figured out the best way to grieve or show my condolences for these families, but this blog post is a start…

Jennifer (Swihart) Trapuzzano was a classmate of mine at Avon High School. While we were not real close ourselves, we had many mutual friends and every time I came in contact with Jennifer, she was nothing but kind and genuine. As many of you have seen or heard on the news, Jennifer’s husband, Nathan, was out for a walk on the morning of April 1 when he was viciously mugged, shot and killed. It’s a tragic loss of not only a husband, but also a soon-to-be father, as Jennifer is 8 months pregnant with their first child, a daughter to be named Cecilia. Nathan’s death was completely senseless and left a wife without her husband and an unborn baby without her daddy. The news of this tragedy has spread like wildfire, and thousands of friends, family and strangers have sent donations to Jennifer to provide for baby Cecilia, totaling over $170,000. Nathan had a very close relationship with Christ that he shared every chance he got, and his story has caused many people to turn to Christ themselves. Learn more about their story here.


Jessica (Wager) Broady was also someone who attending high school with me. She was a year older than me, but we had many mutual friends. Jessica was always very upbeat and friendly to anyone she surrounded herself with. On the evening of April 12, Jessica was in a deadly car accident, leaving behind a husband and an 8-month old son named Carson. This sudden tragedy shocked everyone who knew her, and left us all heartbroken. It was very obvious that Jessica absolutely adored her sweet boy, and now the poor baby won’t get to grow up in his mommy’s arms. However, Carson is surrounded with many wonderful family members who are embracing him and loving on him in every possible way.


Jess (Hoffman) Kim is someone I met in college at Indiana University through mutual friends. I only hung out with her a few times, but each time she was extremely pleasant to me. Jess gave birth to twins, Scott and Logan just a few days after I had Kinsie. I always enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of her precious boys on Facebook. At only 6 months old, Scott passed away for unknown reasons. When I heard of this news, I was completely torn apart. I never even met the twins, but the thought of an innocent child losing his life before even a year old is more than I can bare. Jess has set up a website for people to share their thoughts and to honor this sweet boy’s memory.

scott kim family

As a new mother myself, each of these stories has hit close to home. I just can’t even begin to imagine what these families are going through. Not only do I mourn for these families, but I especially pray for each and every one of these children. The main reason I wanted to become a teacher was to make a difference in the lives of children. In my school, there are many students whom were born into broken, unstable homes, or have been placed in unfortunate circumstances through no fault of their own. I just want to take these kids home with me to protect them from their unfair situations. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing a child suffer, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. If I could save every child in the world from any harm or suffering, I would do it in a heartbeat. Life can be so unfair, and we will never understand any of it until we join Jesus in heaven. When I have gone through a tragedy myself, I really struggled with why God would let something like this happen. After many prayers and countless hours with my Bible, I came to the conclusion that God isn’t responsible for bad things happening in our lives. He is incapable of doing evil. Not only is Satan causing corruption in our every day lives and blaming God for it, but we also have been given free will, which in turn causes many terrible things to happen. When God’s children are weeping, He is weeping right along side of us and carrying us the entire way. We just have to let Him.


Cecilia, Carson, and Scotty…

Each of you, being so young, have already suffered a great tragedy. Your lives have not started out, or ended,  very fairly. However, you have many people around you that love you so much and would do anything to protect you from harm. Cecilia, your mother is unbelievably strong and has a wonderful faith in God that I’m sure she will instill in you. Even though you never got to meet your daddy, he loved you with all of his heart, and he will always be watching over you along with your Heavenly Father. Carson, you may not remember your mommy someday, but she absolutely adored you. It was obvious in the way that she talked about you and looked at you. Even though she may no longer be here in a physical sense, she will always be with you wherever you go. Scotty, I never got the chance to meet you myself, but I could see through pictures how cheerful and rambunctious you were. Even though you were only here for a short time, you made an impression on so many lives, and you will never be forgotten. Even in the wake of disaster in all three of your lives, you have been blessed by the outpouring of love that people have shown you and your families. You are all so loved, and not only by those here on Earth, but especially by your Heavenly Father. Take comfort in that forever.

Easter Blessings

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live ever after dying. And whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” John 11:25-26

Our first Easter as a family of 3 was a wonderful one! Not only did we get to spend the entire day together and with family and good friends, but it was also a beautiful day! Kinsie is getting more of a glimpse into the Spring season and so far, she is loving it! We started the day by attending the Easter service at Traders Point. Our pastor had an amazing message about the true meaning of Easter and how monumental it really is. If you weren’t able to attend an Easter service on Sunday, or you just want to hear a powerful sermon, I would highly recommend listening to ours here. We absolutely LOVE our church and are so grateful for the Spiritual growth we have made since we became members a little over a year ago. Every year on Easter, they have a “spontaneous baptism,” where people who are feeling moved by the Holy Spirit can get baptized right then and there during worship. It is unbelievable and such a powerful way to respond to the Gospel! It was on Easter last year that Ryan officially gave his life to Christ and got baptized. It was a moment I will cherish in my heart forever.

After church, we went to my parents’ house for brunch and an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Now I know our crew only consists of a 2-year-old and 2 babies under the age of 1, but we wanted to live it up for our first Easter with the girls. They loved it! Briggs ran around and collected eggs for himself, Kinsie and Kerigan. Ryan and I took turns walking Kinsie around to collect eggs that she could reach, and to be honest, she really seemed uninterested. In fact, she was much more interested in the grass, mulch and tree bark. She is definitely her father’s daughter!


Kinsie enjoying the gifts that the Easter Bunny brought her!


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Easter Egg Hunt with the kiddos!

We spent the rest of the day with the family relaxing in the beautiful weather. Days like this where we can all be together are such a blessing, especially since Ryan, Kinsie, and I don’t get as much time together as we’d like. Whenever we do though, we embrace every second!


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As many of you know, I’ve been really into photography lately, and like to practice my new hobby any chance I get. It just so happens that I have a beautiful little model who is usually willing and happy to help her mommy out. We had a fun little Easter photo shoot, with the help of daddy making our sweet girl grin from ear to ear!








Happy Easter from the Matthews family!

Back to Work

This last week was one of the hardest, most exhausting weeks of my life. After 3 months of maternity leave and 5 extra snow days, I had to go back to work. I knew it was going to be hard, but it is impossible to describe just how hard it actually was. If you are a mom and have gone through this, you know what I mean!

I was so lucky to have 3 wonderful months off of work for maternity leave. Even though it wasn’t the best decision for us financially, I knew I would not regret that extra time with my new baby and that it would be completely worth it. I am also so lucky to have both of Kinsie’s grandmas, and her Aunt Megan, available and willing to watch Kinsie during the week while I’m at work. The fact that she was with the people who love her as much as Ryan and I do was very comforting, and I knew my girl was in good hands.

To say that I was a little emotional is a huge understatement. I was a mess! On Monday morning, after getting myself ready for work, feeding Kinsie and gathering all of her things to spend the day with Grandma Bev, I still had about 15 minutes left before we needed to go. During that time, I snuggled with my baby…and cried. A lot. Ever since she was born, I have spend almost every hour of the day with her, and now I was about to spend 9 hours away from her every day. I just couldn’t swallow that idea. Once we got to Bev’s, I snuggled with Kinsie a little more. And cried a little more. I knew she would have fun with her grandma, I just didn’t want to leave her. I finally got in my car and drove to school…and cried a little more. Call me over-emotional all you want, you probably wouldn’t understand unless you’re a mom! I was proud of myself for only crying 3 times that day!

Once I got to school, I freshened up my make up and was welcomed back with open arms by my staff. I work with all women, so most of them had been through it all before and knew how I was feeling. They comforted me with hugs, gave me advice on the best places in the school to pump, and encouraged me by telling me that it WILL get easier. And I knew they were right. Once the kids got there, we had a great day. They were really excited to have me back and we spent most of the day just talking and getting reacquainted. I stayed busy enough that I got through the day pretty well, with the help of Bev sending me pictures and updates of my girl. She was happy and having fun, so that helped me carry on.

Once 4:00pm struck, I couldn’t have left the building faster. I needed to see my baby. I needed to touch her and hold her. The 9 hour work day felt like a week and I couldn’t get back soon enough to be reunited with Kinsie. We spent the rest of the evening playing and snuggling, and before I knew it, it was time to go to bed and do the whole thing again.



The next day, I took Kinsie to my mom’s, where I cried when I dropped her off. Again. I’m pretty sure I cried each morning until Friday. I had another great school day and my mom sent me pictures throughout the day. I could tell Kinsie was having a blast, so again, that helped me get through the day. Each day did get a little better, and I stayed so busy that the days seemed to go pretty fast, but even so, I felt like I was away from Kinsie for SO long. I cannot even explain how much I missed her and craved to be holding her.

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Some of the pictures that were sent to me while I was at work. I am OBSESSED with the selfie of Kinsie and her “Yaya!”

After a very long, emotional week, I can officially say that I made it through my first week back. It was harder than I could have ever imagined, but I did it. There were times when I felt completely exhausted and overwhelmed and needed some encouragement from the people I love. Before going back, I felt like I finally hit my stride with taking care of Kinsie while I was at home every day. But working full-time while trying to take care of myself, the baby, the dogs, and the house all by myself is a completely different story. Ryan wished he could have been home to help me, but he just started one of the tougher classes he’ll have this year and needed to study. He spent a lot of time on the phone with me reminding me that we will get through this and it is making us stronger, and even though it was hard to see at the moment, I knew he was right. Kinsie and I both had somewhat of a rough transition into this new routine, and she was a little fussier and started waking up at 4 and 5 in the morning and would not calm down until I fed her (she had previously been sleeping through the night until 6:30a.m. for over a month until this week). Throughout the week I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water. But I did. I had to. I understand now why women don’t return to back at all after having kids, but that just isn’t an option for us at this point. I still love teaching, and I know that spending time away from Kinsie helps me appreciate every moment with her, and it will make me a better mother.

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This is how we spent most of the day together on Saturday.

Ryan and I are so unbelievably blessed to have such an amazing support system to help us with our current circumstances. I know that things won’t always be easy and we will have tougher weeks like this every once in a while, but we couldn’t get through any of it without the love, encouragement and prayers of our family and friends. And of course, I know God is carrying us through all of this. He has always helped me get through tough times before, so I know this time will be no different. One of my favorite quotes that I heard a few years ago says, “The deeper we are rooted in the unfailing love of God, the less we sway when the winds of life blow harshly.” This is spot on and it is a good reminder to trust in the Lord always. With His help, I know we can get through anything!

Baby’s First Christmas

As a child, Christmas is one of the most exciting times of the year. You can’t wait until Christmas morning to see if Santa came, and what he brought you. This was the first year that I got to celebrate Christmas as a parent, and it is just as exciting in a completely different way. Even though Kinsie is only 3 months old, we had a blast playing with her and watching her react to all her new toys that she got for Christmas. She has become so much more responsive and interactive lately, so she actually enjoyed her new toys and visiting all of her relatives.

Ryan and I are always busy during holidays with both of our families and we always try to make our rounds to spend quality time with each family. A few days before Christmas, we got together with my mom’s side of the family which is always a blast. My aunts and cousins always love spending time with Briggs and the babies. On Christmas Eve, Ryan, Kinsie and I went to Ryan’s parents house for breakfast and to open gifts. Kinsie got some awesome gifts, including some blocks that her Aunt Megan made with letters, bible verses, and pictures of all the people in Kinsie’s life. She will have a blast playing with those and recognizing everyone as she gets older! After gifts, we went to the Christmas Eve service at Traders Point. It was an amazing service! At one point, they invited all the kids on stage to dance around with glowsticks singing Little Drummer Boy. It was awesome and very powerful! Right from church we went straight to Ryan’s aunt’s house (his dad’s side) for dinner and gifts. Finally from there, we went to my parents’ house to eat dinner and exchange gifts with Ryan Robinson’s family. Busy, but wonderful day with family!

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Kinsie enjoying her time opening gifts with Ryan’s family


The Matthews family on Christmas Eve

christmas2013_46Hangin with daddy!

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Fun cousin time

On Christmas morning, I was so excited to be Santa Claus! I woke up before Ryan and Kinsie to set everything up. Like I said before, it was almost as exciting as it was when I was a kid! Our little family opened our gifts, then we ventured back to my parents’ to exchange gifts with them and Krista, Ryan and the kids. We all ate breakfast while Kinsie and Kerigan took a Christmas morning nap in their car seats on the dining room table together. The best part about opening gifts was watching Briggs’ face when he received a train set from his Bapa and Yaya (his name for my parents). His key phrase for the day was “Open it!” As a kid, you think there is nothing better than getting gifts on Christmas, but watching the children you love open their gifts comes pretty darn close!

iphone nov_57We got to hang a special new stocking this year!

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Kinsie opening her gifts from Santa, mommy and daddy


Me and my sweet girl

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Hanging out with dad watching her cousin Briggs open his gifts


The boys checking out Briggs’ new train set


Kerigan was worn out after opening gifts!

Finally in the afternoon on Christmas day, we went to another one of Ryan’s aunts house (his mom’s side) to celebrate Christmas with them. Kinsie got to meet her new cousin, Emery and they just so happened to be wearing the same outfit! Kinsie had a lot of fun playing with her aunts and cousins, then took a nice little nap in mommy’s arms. What a life!




Kinsie with her new cousin, Emery in their matching outfits

Overall, we had a wonderful Christmas. Ryan and I are so blessed to have so many people to share the holidays with. I can’t wait to watch Kinsie grow each year and teach her the true meaning of Christmas. When I was growing up, my family and I had a Christmas Eve tradition of reading the Christmas story in the Bible before going to bed. It was a great reminder of why we celebrate Christmas and to remember how lucky we are to have a God that loves us so much that He had his son be born of a woman, placed in a manger, go through life as a child, an adolescent, and then a man, just to be killed on a cross to pay for our sins. I would love to carry on this tradition with my children so they don’t get too wrapped up in the hype of Santa Claus and presents, and they remember the reason for the season!


Merry Christmas from the Matthews family!

A Full Plate on Thanksgiving

We had a very busy Thanksgiving week! Ryan had almost the entire week off, which I was very excited about. Unfortunately, my sweet Aunt Virgie passed away over the weekend, so we had to start our holiday with a trip up to the region for her funeral. My parents went on Tuesday night, and Ryan, Krista, Briggs, Kinsie, Kerigan and I drove up the next day. Ryan Robinson was still in Muncie (yes, my sister’s husband is in Muncie too…I mentioned earlier that we always do things the same!) so he met us up there later when he got off work. The trip with all the kiddos went wonderfully, as all 3 of them slept most of the way. This was the first time Kinsie was meeting my dad’s side of the family…which is a lot of people. They all completely adored her and Kerigan  (how can you not!) Sadly, Aunt Virgie never got to meet the new babies, but she knew about them. The last conversation my dad had with her was to tell her about Kerigan being born. I know she is smiling down on them from heaven!


My beautiful Aunt Virgie

Early the next morning, we had to get on the road to get back in time for all of our Thanksgiving festivities. I have to admit, I started the day a bit overwhelmed and stressed. We had a lot of places to be that day, which normally is no big deal, but with a 2 month old baby, it makes things a little more hectic. We were supposed to be at Ryan’s aunt’s house at 11am, but after packing all our gear, eating breakfast, feeding and taking care of the baby, we didn’t even leave Portage until 9:30 and still had a 2.5 hour drive. I was stressing out about having such a late start with all the places we needed to be, but after a little reminder from Ryan and my parents, I remembered how blessed we are to even have so many places to be. We are very lucky to be a part of these families with so many wonderful and loving people…so I carried that reminder with me the rest of the day.

Kinsie slept the entire way home, allowing me to nap as well, which I was very grateful for since she kept me up so late after all of the stimulation of meeting my huge Mexican family! As soon as we got home, we ventured to Thanksgiving #1 with Ryan’s dad’s side of the family. We had a great meal and Kinsie got to spend some quality time with her Grandma and Grandpa Matthews and the rest of Ryan’s family. Next was Thanksgiving #2 at Ryan’s other aunt’s house with his mom’s side of the family. Most of this family hadn’t met Kinsie either, so she was quite a hot commodity! Everyone took turns holding and loving on our sweet girl. Finally, we ventured back to my parents house for our final meal of the day, where we spent the rest of the evening with my family and my sister’s in-laws. Overall, Kinsie was a champ the entire day. I was one proud mama! It took several difficult days and nights to get her back on a normal napping and sleeping schedule because of all the stimulation she had in those 2 days, but I was glad that we got to spend Thanksgiving with both of our extended families.

iphone nov_41Laying around with Addie before our Thanksgiving adventures

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Lots of grandparent, aunt and cousin time!

I wasn’t one of the people who listed what they were thankful for throughout the month of November on Facebook, but I definitely have SO much to be thankful for. Rather than sharing it on social media, I just shared it with my loved ones and my Lord. Here are a few that stand out…

  • I am thankful for my amazing husband, Ryan, who supports me and makes me feel loved every single day.
  • I am thankful for my beautiful daughter, Kinsie, who lights up my world and gives my life new meaning.
  • I am thankful for my parents who would do absolutely anything for me.
  • I am thankful for my sister, Krista who has always been and always will be my best friend.
  • I am thankful for my nephew, Briggs, and my niece, Kerigan, who add sunshine to my life.
  • I am thankful for my brother-in-law, Ryan Robinson, who has always embraced every aspect of our family.
  • I am thankful for my husband’s family who have always loved me and welcomed me into their family.
  • I am thankful for my dogs, Koda and Addie, who protect me and keep me company when Ryan is away.
  • I am thankful for my teaching job and the opportunity to make a difference in children’s lives.
  • I am thankful for the wonderful and supportive staff that I work with at Mill Creek.
  • I am thankful for my church, Trader’s Point, and our life group that helps me grow spiritually in my walk with the Lord.
  • Last and most important, I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ and His grace that He has blessed all of us with!