Brody is ONE!

My precious baby is ONE year old! I don’t know how this crept up on me so fast. What a crazy year it has been. In such a dark, confusing and anxious time in the world, God blessed me with a child that is the epitome of sunshine. Watching Brody grow into the silly, adorable little boy he is today has been the absolute joy of our lives. Of course the pandemic has been extremely difficult for everyone, but I am somewhat grateful for what it has done to our family. It forced us to slow down and enjoy what is right in front of us. We have had wonderful family time together, and we have all loved being home more and watching Brody grow. He has no clue about the crazy world he was born into, but he is healthy and happy as can be, and loved beyond measure and that is all that matters to him. 


Here are some fun facts about our little ONE year old-

  • He is 21 lbs, 11 oz (55th percentile), and 32 inches tall (98th percentile)…how in the world did I get such a tall kid??
  • His favorite food is cottage cheese. He’s so obsessed with it, he often refuses to eat anything else in front of him. He also loves crackers with hummus, greek yogurt, and mini muffins.
  • He still has 8 teeth.
  • He can nod “yes” and shake his head “no,” and does so quite aggressively.
  • He is starting to have some “toddler-isms” and trying to test boundaries. He will try to get into things (like dog food), and when we say “no,” he just looks us dead in the eye and goes for it again. Hopefully we don’t have another stubborn toddler like his brother was!
  • He loves to babble and yell. He can say a few words – mama, dada are his favorite words, but he sometimes tries to say “Kinsie,” “Bubba,” (his name for Brax), and “dog.” He imitates our noises constantly though…even when his siblings are yelling (which is almost always…we have very loud children).
  • He still loves cruising the furniture, and can sometimes stand independently when he doesn’t realize it.
  • He loves playing with instruments – particularly the maracas.
  • He might possibly be our squirmiest child yet – and that’s saying something. Getting him to sit still for even half a second is an almost impossible task. That is why he is in motion in almost every single picture of him!
  •  He is tight with his small circle of people – but doesn’t really know what to do if he meets new people (remember – he is a 2020 baby, so he hasn’t met many people!) 
  • Dancing is one of his favorite hobbies. ANY music he hears, even if its me singing to him, he’ll start dancing!
  • He loves to clap for himself.
  • He loves touch-and-feel books. But his favorite thing to do with books is pull them out of all the bookshelves.
  • He is a wild man in the bath tub. I usually end up soaked after his bath because he splashes so much.
  • He loves being outside. Although, he can’t walk yet so he tries to crawl on the concrete. When that starts hurting his knees, he starts to bear crawl.
  • He gets into EVERYTHING. He loves to open the cabinets and pull out anything he can get his hands on. He climbs on anything and everything. He would dive off of the couches and beds if we let him. He has absolutely no fear. We have to watch him like a hawk! 

Brody is still a major mama’s boy, but he has grown close to his daddy too! Especially since he lets him sit on the counter and eat lunch meat!


Brody is happiest when he is playing with his “bubba” and “sissy!” 



Our mischievous little guy getting into everything!


Brody enjoyed trying to new treats for his birthday – a donut for breakfast and cake during his party!

Brody-cake Brody-donutBrody-1balloon


We can’t get enough of these precious Brody faces!


One month to twelve months – time flies WAY too quickly!


Brody Ryan…

You are the SUNSHINE that we desperately needed during a dark time in life. God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought you into our lives, and I thank Him every day for giving us this precious gift. The beginning of your life was absolute chaos- with you being born during a global pandemic, being confined to a hospital room under bilirubin lights for the first week of your life, moving to a new state when you were less than two weeks old, and spending the first month of your life without the help of your dad while he was finishing residency in Arkansas. Despite all of that, every moment of your life has brought us so much joy! We adore your sweet, silly, crazy personality. We love watching you interact with your brother and sister and learning all of their crazy ways. We love watching you learn and discover things in the world around you – even though, little do you know, you haven’t gotten to see very much of it yet. Even so, you are as happy as can be and love your family with all of your little being. We can’t wait to continue to watch you grow and blossom into the amazing little person that God intended you to be. We love you with all of our hearts! Happy birthday, my sweet boy!




Finally, here is a video of Brody’s first year. It will most likely be the best 9 minutes of your day!

Brax is ONE!!!

My baby is one. ONE. How is this already true? I feel like he was born YESTERDAY. I went back and read his birth story today and cried and wallowed in my nostalgia. I remember every last detail about the evening before and the morning he was born. The intense thunderstorm that cleared the roads for us to drive to the hospital, my water breaking as soon as I crawled into bed, feeling completely exhausted and attempting to “rest” but not being able to because I was SO anxious…but most importantly, meeting my boy. My beautiful, perfect, 7 lb. 15 oz. baby boy that I waited not just 9 months, but my entire life to meet. I cannot believe that it was a year ago that we became a family of four. A year ago, my sweet little boy came into this world and wiggled his way right into our hearts.



Brax is very busy these days. He is always on the move and learning new things. Here are his ONE YEAR updates…

  • He is 22 lbs, 8 oz. (70th percentile) and 29.5 inches tall. (50th percentile)
  • He has 8 teeth. He doesn’t use them as much for chewing food as much as biting his loved ones. He finds it hilarious. We don’t.
  • He can stand independently for up to a minute…probably longer. It only happens when he is distracted and doesn’t realize he is doing it.
  • Some of his favorite hobbies include playing catch, eating, yelling, and wrestling with his sister.
  • He loves to clap his hands.
  • He loves to dance.
  • He hates naps (how did we get 2 children who hate sleep?)
  • He is learning to talk more and more every day. He mainly says “mom” and “dad,” but he loves babbling, yelling and hearing his own noises at a very loud decibel!
  • He loves touch and feel books, and even tries to touch the pages on non-touch and feel books.
  • Some of his favorite foods include blueberry waffles and mac and cheese.
  • He is learning what “no” means. You can see the little wheels turn in his head when we teach him when he shouldn’t do something. (Like eat dog food)
  • He is super ticklish…especially his toes.
  • He still loves bath time. As soon as we start the bath water, he books it to the bathroom and tries to climb in by himself.
  • He loves chasing the dogs and trying to grab their tail and paws. Koda runs away, Addie just licks his face.
  • Nobody can make him laugh as much as Kinsie can…they are the best of buddies and partners in crime!



To my sweet, one-year-old boy, Braxton…

I can’t believe you are one year old! We have all LOVED getting to know you throughout the last year. Every day, we learn more about you and fall in love with you even more. You are a crazy, loud, little ball of energy with an award-winning smile, making it impossible not to smile back. You haven’t let me have much quality sleep in the last year, and one day at home with you puts more steps on my Fitbit than if I ran the mini marathon…but I wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world. Your sister may pester you constantly, but she is your biggest fan. She loves having a little sidekick and putting on a show for you to make you smile. Your dad and I are obsessed with your sweet personality, and your precious giggle is our favorite sound in the world. We can’t wait to watch you continue to learn and grow into a little boy and see what amazing things you accomplish. I thank God every day for the amazing blessing that you are. I am so grateful to be your mom!


Kinsie Kay is ONE!

Happy 1st birthday to my little sunshine, Miss Kinsie Kay! I cannot believe it was one year ago today that my baby girl entered the world and completely stole our hearts. She has already become such an amazing little girl who is fascinated by the world around her, and we love watching her unique personality develop and change every day. She has never failed to brighten up each and every day that she is in my presence. The last 365 days have been an unbelievable adventure with our little bug, and I cannot wait to continue the ride!

Our little girl LOVES any and all kinds of animals. She chases around the dogs and loves watching our 18 fish (yes…18). Her favorite places to visit are the zoo and the pet store. We will probably end up with a zoo in our backyard someday.

Lately she has had a particular interest in bears. She has a documentary about bears that she watches and tries to climb the entertainment center to get to the bears on the TV!

Kinsie is a complete water bug. Whether it is the bath, the pool, the rain, her sippy cup..she doesn’t care. She loves it all.

Kinsie has become quite the little talker. She is constantly talking, singing and mimicking any sounds she hears. Her favorite words to say are polar bear, fish, yep, and bye bye.

Our girl has recently discovered a love for music and dancing. Anytime she hears music come on, she immediately starts dancing! Her favorite dancing song is “Elmo’s Song.”

Kinsie loves books. She gets pumped during story time before bed. She loves turning the pages, and she dances to the rhythms of the rhyming stories. We are hoping that her love for books continues as she gets older!

Kinsie is a great eater. She loves blueberry waffles, Hawaiian bread, and pretty much any kind of fruit. She has always been good at eating her veggies until lately, so now we are having to get creative and mix them in other foods. She eats way too fast (she definitely got that from her dad). We are trying to teach her to put one piece of food in her mouth at a time!

Like both her mom and dad, Kinsie loves to learn. She likes to watch and take things in. Whenever she plays, she analyzes everything and tries to figure out how it works. When she gets a new toy, she’ll inspect it, shake it, bang it against something else, and usually tastes it as well. Right now she is on a kick where she puts her smaller toys into a bucket, then takes them all out, then puts them in again.

Kinsie is a very social little girl. She loves to talk to people, wave to everyone, and is always making new friends. Anywhere we go, she makes lots of friends by showing off her sweet smiles, giggles, and waves.

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ONE collage


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Thank you to my sister, Krista for taking Kinsie’s 1 year photos!

Here is a video that summarizes the past year with our little bug. Enjoy!


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Happy birthday, my sweet Kinsie! Thank you for the best year yet!

We love you!