It’s a Boy!!!

I can officially say that we are having a BABY BOY!!!


It is truly hard for me to believe that in just a few months, we will welcome a son into our family! We are beyond thrilled! We had no preference either way…just wanted a healthy baby. We knew that no matter what, God would bless us with whoever was the perfect addition to our family. Lately I had been having very strong boy vibes. In fact, I would have been shocked had it been a girl!

We took Kinsie with us to the ultrasound, we figured she’d enjoy seeing pictures of her baby and sharing the special moment with us. She did indeed! She kept saying in a high pitched, excited voice, “That’s my baby!” Beforehand, she didn’t seem to care if she was going to get a brother or a sister, and she was pumped to find out she’ll have a baby brother! The ultrasound went great and our sweet baby boy is very healthy and active!


We planned a small get-together that evening to share the news with our immediate families. Ryan and I always like coming up with exciting and unique ways to share the news. With Kinsie, we did a pinata filled with pink candy. This time was harder to come up with an idea because it’s winter and it was in the evening. We finally both agreed to a “confetti gun” that Ryan made that would shoot out either pink or blue confetti. We were anxious ALL day to share our news, and we were a bit nervous that Kinsie would spill the beans before the official reveal. We prohibited our families from talking to Kinsie about the baby until it was time. As soon as our families arrived at my parents’ house, we gathered everyone around, and had Ryrob and Briggs shoot our cannon filled with BLUE confetti! It turned out great and was a fun surprise for our families. Their reactions were priceless!


The kids had a blast dancing around in the confetti and making “snow angels.” They were bummed when we cleaned it all up!


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After the confetti play, we had ice cream!



We had a great evening with the people we love most. We are all so excited to welcome our baby boy into the world in May!


Pregnancy update:


I am now about 5 months pregnant and still feeling great. I am definitely still more tired than usual, and I have to really monitor myself since I feel fine and am busy working or chasing around a toddler. I have to force myself to take breaks and sit down and drink lots of water.

I am most certainly showing faster and larger this time around, which is normal, but causing to do double takes in the mirror.

I can tell this baby is sitting lower than in my last pregnancy. I can tell in the way my pants fit, and my bladder is affected much more this time around! Thank goodness for my teacher partner who has to watch my class several times a day while I run to the restroom!

I only felt the baby kick 2 or 3 times starting from 14 weeks until about 18 weeks…then once 18 weeks hit, I felt kicks every day, several times a day! This boy is a WILD CHILD, God help me! Ryan got to feel him for the first times a few nights ago, but I still don’t think it’s strong or consistent enough for Kinsie to feel.

We have a few name ideas picked out, but will not be sharing the name until he is born!

Stay tuned for more updates as spring approaches!

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